Serenity Massage
Massage Therapy Clinic and Tea Store
Location: Faerie-Lavender Beds, W21 Lily Hills, Apt 066
*At Serenity Massage's aim to sooth your aches and pains. Appointments are first come first serve. Upon your first appointment the therapist will ask about your recent health history, areas of discomfort, and what mussels you would desire her to work on the most. This will insure that she is able to help you to the best of her abilities.
Description of Services:
30 min Massage- 60,000gil
60 min Massage- 100,000gil
Tea Store Menu:
Matcha- 1,500gil
Rooibos Tea- 2,000gil
Doman Tea- 2,000gilGift Shop:
Cherry Blossom Bathbomb- 3,500gil
(more coming soon)

About The Owner
Theia Euryphaessa, a seeker of the sun Miqo'te has practiced the art of Hannish Massage on going for 15 years. As a student in Thavnair she honed her craft. During her travels to the far-east she was inspired to start her own clinic, to uplift and relax adventures from all walks of life. She has a passion for tea, astrology, antique collecting, and healing.